Thursday 18 October 2012


The days are different here in London. I have absolutely no idea how to describe it, but it's definitely a huge change. Some good - some bad. I keep telling people that I'm looking forward to finally being familiar with everything. But when is that really happening? It's been a month already. Well, at least I know where my lectures are. That's an improvement. But the biggest difference is that everyone lives so far away from each other. Some people live more than one hour with travel away! You can't just call anyone and meet them in 15 minutes. It's not like that here. Well, I'll stop being som sentimental and go on. I'll let you in on my stupidity regarding my psychology lectures. Since I'm doing double honours, I attend "two schools". They are both at City University, but one of them is School of Arts(journalism) and the other is School of Social Science(psychology). It's actually way more confusing than in sounds like, but I'm getting used to it. The most important thing, which I have to figure out; since I'm doing double honours - do I have two graduations? Smiley.

I would almost call myself cute. In the stupid kind of term. I was reading my psychology book and I stumbled upon the words model and store - I immediately thought of supermodels and clothing shops. In psychology? Think again!

Other then that, I'm managing. But I can't really say that I find any of the modules very inspiring. Probably because they expects all of us to aim for BBC, when we all know, I'm the future Anna Wintour. Or if I manage to get a British accent (never gonna happen) I might have to take over for Alexandra Shulman instead.

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