Friday 9 November 2012


Yesterday at Selfridge's I overheard a conversation that really threw me off. It might be because of my situation as a student with very little money, or it might simply be because it is just wrong. Okey, so I was strolling around at Selfridge, minding my own business and trying not to drool on any of the purses. I was just entering Chanel’s department when the saleslady was showing the customer a little grey, fabulous and classic purse. Then I overheard the lady looking at the purse. “Oh it’s lovely. It’s her sixteenth birthday, so I want to get her something nice”. I hate to sound American – but oh my GOD!

That’s not normal is it? Buying a Chanel for a sixteen year old? For my eighteenth birthday I bought my first Mulberry and Marc Jacobs. But for one, that was with my own money, and second, I can look far for a Chanel! As you can tell I have my opinions about this subject, and I’d much rather write a 1200 word essay on this subject, than on the repeal of taxes on knowledge in the mid 19th century and how that lead to a free press, but I don’t get to decide – now do I.

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